Brownie last models
In 1962 the last Brownie box was made.
What begun with the Brownie box camera “The Brownie” in 1900 U.S.A. ended with the Brownie
Flash II camera in Australia.
62 years the box model was produced and made place for the more popular and modern looked Starlet, Starflash, Starflex, Starmeter Brownies.
Brownies where made to the last, a compact moulded plastic cartridge loading pocket camera made by Kodak Limited in 1980.

Brownie last box models
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ C
Brownie Six-20 Camera model C
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ D
Brownie Six-20 Camera model D
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ E
Brownie Six-20 Camera model E
Brownie Six-20 Camera model F
Brownie model I Camera
Brownie Flash II camera
Brownie Flash III camera
Brownie Flash IV camera
Brownie Flash B camera

SIX-20 Brownie model C

Six-20 ‘Brownie’ C
flat viewers
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ C
metal winding knob
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ C
Plastic button
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ C
white winding knob
Brownie Six-20 Camera
model C 1953-1957
SIX-20 Brownie model D
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ D
metal shutter button on black plate
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ D 1946-1953
black plastic shutter button on metal plate
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ D
metal shutter button on metal plate
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ D
metal winding knob and
little portrait plate
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ D
plastic winding knob and
little portrait plate
Brownie Six-20 Camera
model D 1953-1957
2-pin flash contacts
With and without tripod bush
Brownie Six-20 Camera model D
export model 1954
Gift Outfit Gift contains; Six-20 Brownie camera model D & case, Kodak Flasholder model B and Booklet “Picture taking after dark”, two Kodak super xx 620 roll films

Brownie Six-20 Camera model D 1953-1957 the first Box Brownie with flash contacts
Use Kodak Flasholder type B or Kodak Flasholder Model II with class F or M flashbulbs, set shutter to “I”
SIX-20 Brownie model E
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ E
metal winding knob
metal shutter button on metal plate
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ E
metal winding knob
metal shutter button on black plate
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ E
metal winding knob,black shutter button, metal plate
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ E
white winding knob
black shutter button / metal plate
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ E
Black winding knob
black shutter button / metal plate

Brownie Six-20 Camera model E
different lenses Brownies six-20 model E

Brownie six-20 model E with the Kodak Flasholder type B
Kodak Flasholder camera bracket for the Flasholder model II
Six-20 ‘Brownie’ E
with the Kodak Flash holder model B.C
SIX-20 Brownie model F

Brownie Six-20 Camera model F 1955-1957 Luxe version of Six-20 model E
SIX-20 Brownie model I

An extremely simple, inexpensive camera which leaves the user with nothing to do but aim and press the button. (No flash contacts on this model). Takes eight pictures 2¼ x 3¼in. on 620 ‘Kodak’ film. Loaded with ‘Kodacolor’ film, this camera will take sparkling colour pictures provided the subject is in bright sunshine. From ‘Kodacolor’ negatives, full-colour prints on paper can be made.
Price:(H)£l 10s. 0d. Price including Purchase Tax £2 1s. 8d.
(Kodak Dealer catalogue 1958)
This latest series of ‘Brownie’ cameras has been specially designed to take the new inexpensive ‘Brownie’ capacitor Flasholder. They have all the reliability and simplicity of the world famous ‘Brownie’ range and offer the additional attraction of easy flash photography. All three cameras are strongly constructed, with two built-in view-finders. There is a single-blade type shutter with a plunger shutter release to guard against ‘camera shake’ which helps the user to take clear, sharp pictures. The cameras take eight pictures 2¼ x 3¼ in. on No. 620 ‘Kodak’ film. Each camera measures 4¾ X 4½ x 3.3/8 in. All these cameras can be loaded with ‘Kodacolor’ film, for taking full-colour pictures in bright sunshine.
(Kodak Dealer catalogue 1958)
SIX-20 Brownie flash II
Brownie Flash II camera 1957-1960
The simplest Flash camera. This model has flash contacts and a built-in close-up lens which allows close-ups to be taken from five to ten feet.
Price: (H) £ I 17s. 6d. Price including Purchase Tax £2 12s. 2d.
(Kodak Dealer catalogue 1958)

Brownie Flash II camera Australian 1958-1962
English and Australian front information.
Australian cameras also with small letters or large Kodak name information
Gift outfit Brownie Flash II camera Australian 1958-1962
Kodak Brownie Flash Camera Outfit made for the Brownie model II with tripod bush
Made in Melbourne, Australia by Kodak Pty Ltd.
SIX-20 Brownie flash III

A more versatile Flash camera, with flash contacts, built-in close-up lens and built-in cloud filter. The latter helps to make white clouds stand out against a blue sky and improves the pictorial quality of landscapes. In addition there is a shutter lock to prevent accidental exposures, a cable release socket and a tripod socket.
Price: (H) £2 5s. Od. Price including Purchase Tax £3 2s. 7d.
(Kodak Dealer catalogue 1958)
Six-20 Brownie model I
Six-20 Brownie Flash II
Six-20 Brownie Flash III
Are made with a little different front of the camera
SIX-20 Brownie flash IV
Brownie Flash IV camera 1957-1959
De Luxe version of the Brownie Flash III camera.
Similar to Model III but with a de Luxe finish in light brown leatherette and gilt metal.
Price: (H) £2 7s. 6d. Price including Purchase Tax £3 6s. Od.
(Kodak Dealer catalogue 1958)
SIX-20 Brownie flash B

Brownie Flash B camera 1958-1960
Different colors Brownie Flash B camera
This Flasholder can be used both for synchro-flash pictures on cameras with flash contacts, and for ‘open flash’ pictures on cameras without flash contacts. It can be attached to any camera which has a standard tripod bush (in. Whitworth thread).
The aluminum reflector is designed for use with the ‘midget’ type of flashbulb with S.C.C. cap. After the bulb has been fired it is ejected by pressing a small release lever.
The domed transparent safety-guard clipped securely to the front of the reflector, gives protection in the rare event of a bulb exploding.
The molded plastic battery case takes the ‘Kodak’ Flashpack, or two ‘Ever-Ready’ U.11, or similar, batteries.
A ‘Kodak’ Flasholder camera bracket is available so that the Flasholder assembly can be attached to cameras of different types.
‘Kodak’ Flasholder cables are available with different connectors to fit the different flash contacts.
Type A cable with bayonet-type connector, to fit the Six-20 ‘Kodak’ A camera, the Six-20 Folding ‘Brownie’ camera f/6-3 and certain ‘Epsilon’ shutters;
Type B with two-pin socket, to fit the Six-20 ‘Brownie’ D, E and F cameras, and the ‘Brownie’ Reflex camera;
Type J with miniature co-axial plug, to fit the Kodak ‘Retinette’, ‘Brownie’ Cresta, Bantam ‘Color-snap’, ‘Kodak’ Junior II and Sterling II cameras, and most cameras with shutters of recent continental manufacture.
‘Open Flash’ pictures can be taken with any camera having a Time or Brief Time setting, using the push button on the front of the Flasholder to fire the bulb.
(Kodak Dealer catalogue 1958)

Brownie flash III whit the Brownie Flasholder capacitor.
This inexpensive capacitor-type Flasholder is designed for use with the new range of ‘Brownie’ cameras, Flash II, III, and IV. It is attached direct to the camera by a contact pin and a knurled screw. The ‘Brownie’ Flasholder takes economical, easy-to-use, capless flashbulbs.
The 4 in. reflector, easily detachable from the Flasholder, is sprayed inside with aluminum spray, outside with gray stove enamel. Spent bulbs are ejected by pressing a pin projecting through the case.
The Flasholder case is moulded from ivory Polystyrene. The battery required is 22½ volt hearing aid battery-Ever-Ready type B.155 or its equivalent.A transparent flashguard, supplied as an accessory, snaps in place on the edge of the reflector by means of three equally spaced clips. This flashguard gives protection in the rare event of a bulb’s exploding
(Kodak Dealer catalogue 1958)

The ‘Brownie’ Flasholder takes one Hearing-Aid Battery (‘Ever-Ready’ Type B.155 or equivalent).
The ‘Kodak’ Flasholder Model II takes two ‘Ever-Ready’ U.11, or similar, batteries end-to-end, or the ‘Kodak’ Flashpack with standard hearing-aid battery (type B.122, or equivalent) 22½ volt.
The Kodak ‘Duaflex’ Flasholder takes two ‘Ever-Ready’ U.11, or similar, batteries side-by-side.
Batteries are not available from Kodak Limited.
Both the ‘Kodak’ Flasholder Model II and the ‘Duaflex’ Flasholder take flashbulbs fitted with small center contact (S.C.C.) type caps.
‘Capless’ flashbulbs must be used with the special adaptor available. The ‘Brownie’ Flasholder however, is specially designed to take capless flashbulbs.
Suitable flashbulbs include Nos. 1, 1B, 5 and 5B (made by the General Electric Co. Ltd., Kingsway, London, W.C.2, and also by B.T.H. Co. Ltd., Crown House, Aldwych, London, W.C.2), and Types PF.l, PF.1/97, PF.14, PF.25 and PF.25/97 (made by Philips Electrical Ltd., Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C.2).
Flashbulbs are available from Kodak Limited.
(Kodak Dealer catalogue 1958)

Brownie Flasholder 4 and 5 uses 16 mm capless flashbulbs, for cameras having Brownie Flasholder fittings, Fitted with Flashguard, use Ever-Ready B.155 or equivalent battery