Palmer Cox - The Eastman Kodak Brownie camera

Palmer Cox (1840-1924)
De populariteit van Palmer Cox’s Brownies, is een reden geweest om eerste populaire camera voor het grote publiek hierna te vernoemen.
Tevens moest de eenvoud van het fotograferen hiermee benadrukt worden.
De Eastman Kodak Brownie camera.
Er is geen overeenkomst tussen EKC en Palmer Cox. voor het gebruik van de Brownie karakter door Kodak.

Palmer Cox (1840-1924)
Due to the popularity of Palmer Cox’s Brownies, one of the first popular handheld cameras was named after them, The Eastman Kodak Brownie camera.
There is no agreement between EKC and Palmer Cox. for using the Brownie character by Kodak.

Palmer Cox (1840-1924) werd geboren in Canada-Granby, Quebec, zoon van Michael Cox en Sarah Miller, en was van beroep timmerman en autobouwer. Hij verhuisde naar San Francisco via Panama en hij woonde in San Francisco van 1863 tot 1875.
In 1874 begon hij te studeren om tekeningen te maken voor geïllustreerde verhalen Hij had bijdragen aan publicaties zoals Golden Era en Alta Californië.
Na 1875 leefde hij in New York (Pine View House, East Quogue, Long Island).
Zijn Brownie verhalen verscheen in St. Nicholas and the Ladies’ Home Journal, bekendste zijn zijn serie van humoristische cartoons over de ondeugende, maar goedhartige Brownies.
Zijn cartoons werden gepubliceerd in verschillende boeken, zoals de The Brownies, Their Book (1887).

Palmer Cox (1840-1924) was born in Canada-Granby, Quebec, son of Michael Cox and Sarah Miller, and became a carpenter and car builder. He moved to San Francisco via Panama as a railroad contractor. He lived in San Francisco from 1863-1875. In 1874 he began to formally study drawing and contribute illustrated stories to such publications as Golden Era and Alta California.
After 1875 lived in New York (Pine View House, East Quogue, Long Island).
His Brownie stories appeared in St. Nicholas and the Ladies’ Home Journal best known are his series of humorous verse cartoons about the mischievous but kind-hearted Brownies.
His cartoons were published in several books, such as The Brownies, Their Book (1887).

Palmer Cox’s Brownie kartonnen poppetjes werden gratis bij de Lion Koffie verstrekt, zijn er 25 verschillende Brownie Lion Koffie figuurtjes.
Palmer Cox’s Brownie Dolls gratis bij iedere pond LEEUW KOFFIE
Koop hier LION koffie en verzeker u van de hele set van 25 Brownies.

Palmer Cox’s Brownie dolls these paper dolls were a premium in packages of Lion Coffee, there are 25 different standing Brownie Lion Coffee dolls.

Palmer Cox’s Brownie Dolls Free LION COFFEE 25 Brownie Dolls in the set. BUY LION COFFEE HERE and secure a full assortment free. One doll in each pound package.

Brownie Books;
The Brownies, Their Book - 1887
Another Brownie Book - 1890
The Brownies at Home - 1893
The Brownies Around the World - 1894
Palmer Coxs Brownies - 1894
The Brownies Through the Union - 1895
Brownie year book - 1895
The Brownies Abroad - 1899
Brownies and the Farmer - 1902
The Brownies in the Philippines- 1904
The Brownie Primer - 1906
Christmas Pudding and other Brownie stories-1906
The Brownie Clown in Brownie Town - 1908
The Brownies latest adventures - 1910
The Amazing Adventures of Forest People - 1913 (Russian)
The Brownies Many More Nights - 1918
The Brownies and Prince Florimel - 1925
The Brownies in Fairyland - 1925

Palmer Cox, meer dan honderd jaar geleden schiep hij personages gebaseerd op de mythologische brownie of urisk.
Hij kleedde hen in kostuums van verschillende nationaliteiten en beroepen en vertelden over hun nuttige activiteiten in illustratie en versjes in kinderboeken en tijdschriften. Zijn Brownie karakter was dertig jaar lang populair.
Het was het karakter wat te beschermd werd door copyright en licenties om te adverteren in een verscheidenheid aan koopwaar, zoals Ivory Soap en de Brownie Camera.
Een van de vroegste strip succesverhalen waren van Palmer Cox en zijn cartoon creaties, de Brownies. Deze kleine elf-achtige wezens werden al snel gebruikt in advertenties voor verschillende producten.

Over a hundred years ago Palmer Cox, a tall, rugged and warm-hearted man, created characters based on the mythological brownie. He dressed them in costumes of different nationalities and professions and told of their helpful activities in illustration and verse for children’s books and magazines. His brownie character was popular for thirty years. It was the first character to be copyrighted and licensed to advertise a variety of merchandise including Ivory Soap and the Brownie Camera.

Among the earliest comic strip success stories was Palmer Cox and his cartoon creation, The Brownies. These little elf-like creatures soon began turning up in advertisements for various products like Ivory soap and Kodak cameras.

Cox’s Brownies were imitated more often than he licensed them. Cox did not give permission for a Brownie brand soda, maple syrup or ice cream. A figural carpet was produced in the mid-1890s and Brownie paper dolls (with Cox’s copyright) could be found inside packages of Lion Coffee during the same period. However, several other coffee companies produced unauthorized doll inserts for their brands.