Brownie Movie Cameras
Brownie Movie Cameras
Brownie Movie Camera Turret f/1.9

STANDARD LENSES: Cine-Kodak Ektanon 9 mm, 13mm 24 mm f/1.9
SPEED: 16 frames / second
VIEWFINDER:folding Sports Viewfinder
FILM: 8 mm
This is a cine camera for double run 8mm film with 25 feet load. It has three lenses on a rotating turret; a 13mm, a 24mm and a 9mm wide angle lens. Double run 8mm film is run through the camera twice, the first time exposing half of one side of the film, the second time half of the other side. The film is then cut and spliced together to create one length of film of 50 feet.
Kodak dealer catalogue 1958
The ‘Brownie’ Movie Camera, Turret f/1 -9 is equipped with a fixed- focus f/1 -9 lens and a 3-position turret housing a wide-angle converter lens, a telephoto converter lens and a lens hood. Either of the two converter lenses or the lens hood can instantly be brought into position by rotating the turret. The maximum aperture of the combination is the same as that of the camera lens, i.e. f/1.9.
The Standard 13mm. f/1-9 lens is recessed behind the front panel of the camera; when taking Standard shots the lens hood in the turret is moved into position. To cover a larger or smaller field, as determined by the finder, wide-angle or telephoto coverage is obtained by rotating the turret to bring either the 9mm. Wide Angle Converter or the 24mm. Telephoto Converter Lens into position. The front finder is clearly marked to show the field of view for each of the three turret positions. Correction for parallax is provided by means of an adjustable slide on the peep sight of the finder.
In other respects the ‘Brownie’ Movie Camera, Turret f/1-9 is similar to the ‘Brownie’ Movie Camera, Model II.
Kodak dealer catalogue 1959
Brownie’ Movie Camera Turret Model f/1.9*
Basically similar to the ‘Brownie’ Movie Camera Model II f/1.9, this has the added versatility of the built-in turret.
3-Position Turret Housing a wide-angle converter lens, a telephoto converter lens and a lens hood. Either of the two converter lenses or the lens hood can instantly be brought into position by rotating the turret. The maximum aperture of the combination is the same as that of the camera lens, i.e. f/1.9. The Standard 13mm f/1.9 lens is recessed behind the front panel of the camera; when taking Standard shots the lens hood in the turret is moved into position. To cover a larger or smaller field, as determined by the finder, wide-angle or telephoto coverage is obtained by rotating the turret to bring either the 9mm Wide-Angle Converter or the 24mm Telephoto Converter Lens into position. The front finder is clearly marked to show the field of view for each of the three turret positions. Correction for parallax is provided by means of an adjustable slide on the peep sight of the finder. Lens hood and Wide- Angle Converter take filters mounted in No. 206 rims; Telephoto Converter takes filters mounted in No. 320 rims or ‘Kodisk’ Lens Attachments size No. 370.
* Available later. Notification will be made in the Kodak Trade Circular.
Kodak Dealer Catalogue 1962-1963 Kodak (Australasia) PTY.Ltd
Brownie Turret Movie Camera (f/1.9)
Just as simple to operate as the f/1.9 camera described at left, this 8mm. movie camera has the added versatility of the built-in lens turret which houses a wide-angle converter lens, a telephoto converter lens and a lens hood. Either of the two converter lenses or the lens hood can instantly be brought into position by rotating the turret. The maximum aperture of the combination is the same as that of the camera lens, i.e., f/1.9. The Standard 13mm. f/1.9 lens is recessed behind the front panel of the camera; when taking Standard shots the lens hood in the turret is moved into position. To cover a larger or smaller field, as determined by the finder, wide-angle or telephoto coverage is obtained by rotating the turret to bring either the 9mm. Wide-Angle Converter or the 24mm. Telephoto Converter Lens into position. The front finder is clearly marked to show the field of view for each of the three turret positions. Correction for parallax is provided by means of pointers which are added on the side of each frame of the front viewfinder as follows: at 2 ft. for wide- angle, 4 ft. for Standard, ft. for telephoto.
• Accessories: Compartment-type Leather Case — Item No. 0410; Brownie Movie Gadget Bag — Item No. 0407; Kodak Movie Light — Item No. 2001
Kodak Dealer Catalogue 1963 Kodak (Australasia) PTY.Ltd
You’ll be the master of every movie making situation with the Brownie 8mm. 3-Lens turret camera. Simple to operate and reliable to use, it features a lens for every purpose. You can shoot with the normal Ektanar 13mm. for average scenes, turn to the Ektanar 9mm. lens for wide angle shots or turn to the Ektanar 24mm. lens for telephoto shots. All lenses are pre-focused and apertures to f/1.9 are set by rotating a clearly marked knurled ring. Other features include eye level viewfinder with adjustment for parallax and frames for each lens, long run spring motor, sprocketless loading, footage counter, solid metal construction and provision for tripod fitting. Loads with doublerun 8mm. film. Carrying cases from 27/6d. are available as an accessory.
Kodak Dealer Catalogue 1963 Kodak (Australasia) PTY.Ltd
Simple to operate, exciting to use, the Brownie 3-lens Turret makes you the master of every movie-making situation.
Shoot with the Standard Ektanar 13mm. lens and you’ll get all average shots sharp and clear. For bringing distant subjects close-up just rotate the turret to the 24mm. telephoto lens. When you want more in your picture but you can’t get far enough back from your subject, you switch to the 9mm. wide angle lens.
All lenses are pre-set everything you shoot from 2 ft. with the wide angle, 4 ft. with the
Standard and 6½ft. with the telephoto lens is needle sharp — no need to adjust focusing.
Apertures from f/1.9 are set by rotating a clearly marked knurled ring. Other features include eye level viewfinder with adjustment for parallax and frames for each lens, long run spring motor, sprocket less loading, footage counter, solid metal construction and provision for tripod fitting. Loads with double-run 8mm. film. Carrying cases from 27/6d. are available as an accessory.