A real Kodak picture-maker for five shillings.
As pleasing to the eye as it is to the purse, this little streamlined camera has built into it the trustworthiness which amateur photo- graphers everywhere associate with the name “Brownie.”
Distinctly modern in appearance is the glossy black moulded body, the top half of which lifts out for easy loading, and a finishing touch of smartness is given by the bright metai parts. A mi lied winding knob, direct vision folding view finder and one-way shutter release are all the amateur need “operate” to get fine, clear snaps from which splendid enlargements can be made. The meniscus lens gives sharp pictures of all objects at distances from 5 feet to “infinity.”
Waterproof Outdoor Case (Code No. 142)
Purse type Black Cloth Case (Code No. 141)
Kodak Regular Film No. 127, 8 exp.
Kodak “Verichrome” Film No. VI27, 8 exp.
Kodak Super-XX Panchromatic Film No. XX127,
Kodak Panatomic-X Film No. FX127, 8 exp.
“Brownie” Portrait Attachment, No. 3
Kodak Sky and Colour Filters, No. 3